As your source for Los Angeles kitchen remodels, bathroom remodels, and home repair, we at JNO Construction & Design want to do all we can to make sure that your house stays in great condition. While there are all sorts of ways that a home can gradually deteriorate over time, there’s one common area that many people often forget about – their roof. We’d like to take this time to tell you about the importance of periodically checking your roof.
Why You Should Check Your Roof
Much like everything else, your roofing material is susceptible to wear and tear. The reason why this needs to be paid attention to though is because your roof is essentially your first line of defense against the elements. Not only that, but when you neglect taking care of your roof, there’s a good chance that you’ll end up costing yourself money in the long run. By checking your roof periodically, you’ll be able to catch minor issues early on before they can turn into something more problematic, such as damaged roof boards, studs, or even interior ceilings and walls.
How Often Should You Inspect Your Roof?
Most will recommend that you check your roof either annually or bi-annually, depending on the outdoor factors. If there aren’t any extreme weather events, such as wind or winter storms, checking it annually can be sufficient. The best time to take a look at your roof is sometime during autumn, before a cold and long winter has the chance to set in.
What You Should Look For
When you check your roof, you don’t necessarily need to use a ladder and walk around on your roof. In fact, staying off of your roof is actually helpful to the long-term health of your roof. Simply using a pair of binoculars to examine your roof can be just as sufficient for your roofing check. Whichever method you choose, we recommend checking for these problematic signs:
- Broken or missing shingles
- Shingles that are starting to buckle, curl, or blister
- Cracked caulk or any rust spots on flashing
- Worn or cracked rubber boots around the vent pipes
- Areas with moss or lichen
- Piles of colored grit from the roof in the gutters
Contact Your Los Angeles Kitchen and Bathroom Remodel Experts!
If you have any questions about roofing checks, we encourage you to contact us and let us know. If you happen to be in search of a Los Angeles bathroom remodel or kitchen remodel, feel free to schedule an appointment with us by giving us a call at (310) 363-7980. We’re looking forward to hearing from you and helping you improve your home!
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