While common opinion may state that bigger is always better, the truth is that both types of homes – smaller and larger – offer great benefits that make them very palatable.
With our Los Angeles bathroom remodel and kitchen remodel services, we at 24 Construction & Design believe that we can help you achieve the home of your dreams.
In all aspects of life, time continues to move forward and bring with it new trends and developments. Home construction is absolutely no different in this regard. Just as a house from the 90s is much different from a house
When it comes to a great home, one vital aspect about it is its longevity. Obviously, a person will want his or her home to stay in great condition as long as possible, meaning that a premium should be placed
If you happen to be a first-time home buyer, we’ve provided you with a checklist of important things to take into consideration before purchasing your new home.
While there are all sorts of ways that a home can gradually deteriorate over time, there’s one common area that many people often forget about – their roof. We’d like to take this time to tell you about the importance
One of the more overlooked aspects of a person’s home is actually the flooring. It may sound odd, but it’s true – the very foundation of our homes that carries us and keeps us standing upright is often ignored for